About Us

Sometimes PERFECT doesn’t ideally mean without a blemish. Other times, the idea of perfection can come in the form of succor from knowing you’re not alone – that there’s a community out there. Moms and Mamas is that community; a community that ties in the universal and diverse experiences of mothers out there.
The perception sold by the media does not present a full reality of what motherhood and becoming a mother is. Beyond the enthralling journey of the picture-perfect moments, motherhood is tough. Children will always be children, and mothers are bound to see spilled food here, and screaming children there… and in the midst of their hearts bursting with love, they’ll be exhaustion, frustration, tears, and doubts.
A balance of both the enjoyable and real aspects of motherhood is what can set people’s expectations right – and this is what the Moms and Mamas community tasks itself to achieve. To show the realness of being many things all wrapped in one, sharing experiences every mother knows all too well and preaching that as mothers, we do not have to crumble beneath the weight of it all.
Here, you’ll find your own experiences – the similar joys, the struggles, the hopes, the dreams, the demands, and the rewards of pregnancy and mothering.
By a team of mothers to another mother.