A Mother’s Day Betrayal

Last Mother’s Day was supposed to be special. My husband had been hinting at a surprise for weeks, and I was excited to see what he had planned. As the day approached, I couldn’t contain my curiosity. I imagined a lavish brunch, maybe a spa day, or even a weekend getaway.

But as the day dawned, there was no sign of a surprise. Instead, my husband seemed preoccupied. When I asked him about our plans, he brushed it off, saying he had something planned for later.

I tried not to let it bother me and focused on making the day special for my own mom. We had a lovely brunch together, and I presented her with a heartfelt gift. She was touched, and it made me happy to see her smile.

But as the day wore on, I couldn’t shake the feeling of disappointment. It wasn’t about the grand gesture; it was about feeling appreciated and valued. I had put so much effort into being a good wife and mother, and it felt like it was going unnoticed.

Finally, in the evening, my husband revealed his surprise. He had invited his mother over for dinner, a gesture I would normally appreciate because of how much I adore her. But this time, it felt like a slap in the face. He had gone all out to celebrate his mother but had neglected to do anything for me. He even got her gifts and had the audacity to get one for her on my behalf.

This was my first Mother’s Day, a milestone I had been eagerly anticipating, only to be met with confusion and disappointment as my overlooked me entirely.

As we sat at the dinner table, my frustration bubbled over. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. I confronted my husband, tears streaming down my face. I poured out my feelings of neglect and unappreciation.

To my surprise, my husband was apologetic. He hadn’t realized how his actions—or lack thereof—had made me feel. He explained that he had been so focused on making his mother feel special that he had overlooked me.

In the end, we talked it out, and my husband promised to make it up to me. But the experience left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. I was not remind him of this. If he really didn’t think about me then this is how he truly feels and it hurts. Mother’s Day is supposed to be a day to celebrate all mothers, including those who work tirelessly behind the scenes AKA ME, his wife. I learned that sometimes, even the most well-meaning gestures can miss the mark.

But as Mother’s Day approaches again this year, I can’t help but feel anxious. Will he remember the lessons from last year? Will he show me the appreciation and love I deserve? Only time will tell. But one thing is for sure—I won’t let my worth be defined by one day. I am a mother every day, and I deserve to be celebrated every day.

I am curious; if you were in my shoes, how would you have reacted?

  1. I hope this Mother’s Day was better for you than last. I’m actually shocked after reading the other comments saying that you should basically suck it up and that you are not his mother… My opinion is that once parents become grandparents they need to realize that their “time” has come to pass the torch. They had their years of mothers days and now it’s your turn. (Also there is a grandparents day?!) Your husband needs to teach your child(ren) how to treat their mother on Mother’s day. If he truly does not agree then you should not do anything extra for him for fathers day (not really trying to retaliate, but more just about being fair and also he probably wouldn’t appreciate it). I think it would help to have a conversation about what you would appreciate on mother’s day next time to set expectations without being demanding.

  2. Hey dear. Sorry for that, but you’re not his mother. Why do you think, he should do something for you on mothersday? your kids have to say thank you. you think he should thank you for being a good mom for your kids? so maybe. but he can say thank you every other day for being a good mum, right? sorry my english is not the best, because i’m swiss.
    don’t be scary about this text, it’s just my opinion. byebye

  3. I highly resonate with your story. I’m sorry this happened to you. I will be honest. Just two months after I gave birth to the most healthy twins in this world, one day I was talking with my mom about Mother’s Day and my husband was overhearing us. And he stepped up and said to me: “I truly don’t feel celebrating this day, one is because Mother’s Day should be only towards grandmothers because they are the ones that have the whole experience of what it is to be a mother and grandmother.” Lord knows I couldn’t believe the statement I was hearing from his mouth …. This was three years ago exactly. Until today I’ve never forgotten and I never feel the same when Mother’s Day comes. I just celebrate my mom and enjoy it with my children but never anymore I’ve felt his celebration on this day to me is genuine. Until today my heart is hurt and he never has recognized he failed to say that to me. I truly would have preferred that he would have kept this with him. Also, he said now that he doesn’t remember saying this, making things worse.

  4. I dealt with the same situation on my first Mother’s Day many years ago. I waited all day for My ex husband to acknowledge me, and watched him celebrating his own mother that day. At the end of the day, I realized that I was not going to be acknowledged. I burst into tears, and told him that I was hurt because he didn’t do anything for me on my first Mother’s Day. He looked right at me, and said “You’re not my mom, so why would i?” That was 36 years ago, and I’m still talking about it. It still stings! My daughter in law is now having similar issues with my son, who has unfortunately taken after his father. I feel awful for my daughter in law having to go through the same thing that I did all those years ago. I’m half tempted to call my son and tell him that there’s a reason I divorced his Dad, and not feeling important or cared about was a big part of it! Not sure if I should get involved though… Anyway, you definitely aren’t alone in this. I can only hope that this year was different for you! We all deserve to be recognized for what we do as Moms. ❤️

    1. Please get involved and let your son know how it is and what it must feel like being his wife. He needs someone to open his eyes and who better then his own mum.

  5. Your feeling are justified, it’s not that he overlooked you ,bye didn’t even consider you at all , this shows that there is no appreciation for anything that you do.but the good news is that your child will appreciate you and celebrate your mother’s day when he or she is old enough.just do the best you can do for your child .

  6. Please ignore the above insensitive comment.. out of order. I would have reacted exactly the same and have had a similar experience. My husband was also apologetic but it still felt rubbish.

  7. If you won’t let your worth be defined by one day, then why are you making such a big deal out of this! You are a grown woman! So your husband forgot to do something for you on Mother’s day.. big deal! I’m sure he appreciates you everyday and shows it in many different ways. To be crying over one commercialised day is childish . There really are more important things . X

    1. Her feelings are her feelings. She Didn’t share this story for you to judge her and Ridicule her. She Didn’t even ask for your opinion of her Response to her situation. She only asked what you would do in that Situation. What does it cost to be kind? Does it make you feel good to put others down?

    2. So stop expecting gifts or gestures for christmas or your birthday. It’s all commercialized to make money anyway. Why celebrate? Just another year of you getting older and more bitter. ✌

  8. Ahhh! I totally understand how you feel. It happened to me my first mothers day. Such a terrible wtf feeling. I talked to my husband about it and it has never happened again for any holiday. He has really stepped up and now gives the best presents. ( I was so hurt at first but then i realized he had no real guidance. He grew up in a single mom
    House hold and Didn’t see any man figure step up. Show appreciation give gifts etc. )give him grace im sure he was listening and feels bad.. youre not alone ! Happy mothers day. Xxoo

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