My Monster in law has no boundaries

My Monster-in-law Has No Boundaries

So, I recently welcomed a beautiful baby into the world, and she’s now approaching her fourth month. These past few months have been an incredible journey of discovery and love as I navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood. However, one significant challenge I’ve faced is the interference of my mother-in-law in how I raise my child.

My husband and I currently live with my in-laws due to financial constraints, and while we dream of having our own space, we’re not quite there yet. My mother-in-law has a habit of overstepping boundaries, especially when it comes to my child. She often makes hurtful comments disguised as jokes and seems to want to assert her authority over me as a mother.

I’ve noticed that she tries to create a stronger bond with my child, which sometimes feels like she’s undermining my role as a mother. While I understand that she may not realize the impact of her actions, it’s been incredibly challenging for me. I want my child to have a loving relationship with her grandmother, but I also need to set clear boundaries to protect my own role and bond with my child.

Despite my efforts to communicate my feelings and set boundaries, it feels like my mother-in-law struggles to respect them. This situation has left me feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, and at times, I’ve even considered limiting my child’s time with her, which is something I never wanted to do.

I want to leave this house so badly because of her. She has no boundaries, and when we tell her no, it’s like she can’t respect that. As much as I want to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment for my child, I also need to prioritize my mental and emotional well-being. I hope that in time, we can find a way to coexist peacefully and respectfully, but for now, the struggle continues.

Have you faced similar challenges with your in-laws? How did you handle it?

  1. thats my situation right. my baby is now 5 months old. the day i came home after delivery she ignored me and even asked a glass of water or any help to get in bed and all. she was all about having baby to herself to make that bond. she taunted me when i said im not feeling okay i need to rest and i cant talk at all coz she started asking lot of stupid questions about hospital and all. shes like oh its normal delivery you will be fine and after few mins bitched about me to my husband that oh she is not even talking properly and answering my questions bla bla. my husband confront me i was like im so weak Can’t she she. later for 1 month my husband stayed at home to take care of me and our baby and im so glad he could witness how annoying and controlling his mother is and that made him to think differently. she barge into our room and grab our baby like she gave him birth and everytime she talks to him shes taunting me lol. and insults me how i am over protective and not let her feed him herbs or stupid stuff like gripe water and butter in milk. wvery day was a fight and she legit spoiled my experience of first time mom with her toxicity.

  2. I lived with my MIL after thr birth of my first child and exoedienced a lot of the same things. Sometimes it worked to our advantage as we had a sitter when needed or i could shoewer, take a nap, clean- without watching a baby/toddler. But there were ongoing comments on how we should raise our kids, every topic from food, formula vs breastfeeding, sleeping, day care, clothing, ETC. i learned to ignore it, and my (then) fiance and I decided we would move out By the time if our wedsing, even if it meant gettijg an apartment. Thankfully we were ablento buy a house. I would say the only solution is keeping in mind that this is not permanent. Also our room (s) were upstairs and she was Downstairs. Sometimes that provided a little bit of a boundary.

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