SAHM survival tips

Tips for SAHM – 5 Ways to Entertain Your Baby

I had prepared, or so I thought, for everything that a new baby required. By the time I was 37 weeks pregnant, our house was like a diaper-outlet, baby wipes were piled up in every corner and I had read all the mom-tips on how to essentially keep a baby alive. So, when the big day came, and went, relatives returned to their homes and my partner returned to work, I was suddenly left with a tiny and easily bored human to not only keep alive, but entertain too. I found myself searching the web for things like “what do I do with a new baby all-day-long?!” and “how do I entertain a tiny human for hours on end?” Yeah, turns out I had no idea what I was doing!

I had quickly learned I could feed my baby like I am some sort of human vending machine and changing diapers with my eyes closed became second-nature (no, seriously a Mom’s ability to do things half-asleep and in the dark is second-to-none!), but I had no clue how to keep her entertained all day. It didn’t help that, from the beginning, my baby refused decent length daytime naps (insert face-palm here!).

So from Mom to Mom, here are some tips for a SAHM on ways to keep your new baby entertained.

1. Apps (OK – Hear me out!)

As a SAHM my number one tip is using Apps for activity ideas. There are so many to pick from (my favorite is Baby Sparks) tailored to your baby’s age and development that gives an abundance of activity ideas. Usually, they allow you to track your babies development, milestones and even feeding times, and nappy changes too.

2. Invest in a good play-mat.

Babies are born ready to learn, so it is never too early to start them on a play mat and investing in a good one is worth the effort. you stimulate your baby’s mind from when you introduce her to contrast of color, lights, sounds and other interactive features. A mat should keep your baby entertained, at least, for a few minutes at a time (until she becomes more aware and interactive, she will start playing for longer periods at a time), giving you a moment to relax.

Tip: try a baby mirror with your play-mat and watch your little one become entranced with their own reflection!

3. Books, books and, did I mention books?!

Reading, talking and singing to your baby is one of the most important activities you can do for them. Not only are you greatly encouraging your bond, you are also stimulating their language development (even from the earliest time!). Sit or lie down with baby snuggled up to you, whip out a good, colorful (or black and white as babies don’t see color for their first few months!) book and read away.

4. Go for walks

Getting outside and walking are the perfect way to break up your day and help stop yourself from going stir-crazy! No one cares about your messy hair, the spit on your shirt and whether you can’t find matching clothes.. You’re a new mom, embrace the chaos and get your Vitamin D. Even if you can only manage a few minutes.

Your baby will appreciate it too. Fresh air and natural sunlight all help your babies body-clock adjust to daytime/nighttime hours. So, not only will you do yourself a favor, you might be helping your baby sleep longer periods at night.

5. Face-to-Face Time

Spend some time sitting face-to-face with your baby. Mimic their facial expressions and repeat their goo’s and gah’s back to them. You can even sing songs, tell them about your day and pull silly faces. Everything you do, they will watch, listen and learn. Face-to-face time strengthens your bond (also releasing oxytocin into your body, our happy hormone!) and lets baby learn all about your face and voice.

From a SAHM, Entertaining your baby should not be rocket science, all you need is to be prepared with lots of ideas up your sleeve. Invest in toys and play-mats and mirrors, get your daily dose of walking and Vitamin D and you’ll have this whole entertainment thing down-pat in no time!


Rebecca Jenkins
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