Parenting is a “round the clock” job. Sometimes, finding yourself in that position can be the best feeling ever, however, raising kids can be stressful too. Having to juggle work with family, trying to be a perfect parent to meet up with your kids’ expectations, practicing self-care and thriving to raise your children in such a way that makes you feel fulfilled at the end of the day isn’t an easy task. Interestingly, effective parenting is not about attaining perfection. Understanding that you are human and you are not perfect is a major milestone in your parenting journey. Here are 6 important tips for effective parenting.
- Be a good role model for your kids: It is unarguable that children love to do what their parents do. This is why being a good role model for your children should be a priority. Ensure that you practice whatever you teach your children. For instance, you can’t be teaching your children table manners and still flout the same rules you gave out. Act accordingly and watch your children follow your lead.
- Make yourself available for your kids: Understandably, you have a lot to do every single day, not only for yourself but also for your family. However, sparing little time of your tight schedule with your kids is very important. Spend time cuddling up with your little angel and communicate with her while at it. During this time, you can also get her to say whatever she has in mind. Also, it is a perfect time to discuss positive behavioRs.
- Work on boosting your child’s self-esteem: A positive self-esteem can help an individual in all ramifications of life. Whether positive or negative, self-esteem begins to grow from childhood. Negative self-esteem can affect a child during adulthood, for this reason, it is your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your child’s self-esteem is well protected. Boosting your child’s self-esteem can be achieved in many ways which include but not limited to allowing your kid to make positive choices, listening to your kid when trying to communicate with you, helping your child cultivate a reading habit, being positive towards him and avoiding the use of derogatory words and comments, praising him kid after an accomplishment (but not overdoing it), getting yourself involved in your kid’s education(that is, knowing her performance and how you can support) as bad performance can affect a child’s self-esteem too.
- Love your kids and show them your love is unconditional: It is ok to discipline a child after doing something wrong, it is equally important to show that despite how you reacted to his wrongs, he still owns a special place in your heart and nothing will ever change that. Other ways to show your affection is by giving plenty of hugs, spending time with him, listening to him, etc. However, understand the difference between loving a child unconditionally and spoiling a child, know when to scold, know when your kid should be offered a gift, and avoid indulging in material things for your child just to please him.
- Set limits in your home: Set limits and ensure total compliance. For example, limit your child’s screen time as much as you can as this has been said to lead to a sedentary lifestyle, cause obesity (especially if snacking while at it), affects the eyes, and even affect the child’s interaction with people. Also, ensure that your kid does not have access to television or phones when eating. Sleep limit should be set too as too much or not getting enough sleep can affect a child. Put disciplinary actions in place in case any of the rules are disregarded.
- Give yourself quality attention too: Parenting is a lot of work already, despite how sweet the feeling of raising your child can be, parenting can be frustrating sometimes. Being too tired or stressed can result in transferring aggression to your child which he can mistake as hatred, which can result in a bigger problem. You need a “me” time to relax, unwind, refuel, and rejuvenate your mind. This keeps you going and your child will feel the positive impact of it.
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