Parenting is stressful and can make you lose your personality as a mom. A lot of mothers have expressed losing themselves after having kids. This can sadly lead to depression, anxiety, and a general feeling of unhappiness which can negatively affect your day-to-day life and the relationship with your family.
Every mom needs ‘me’ time – a special couple of hours (or even days) set aside to take time off parenting. During this time, moms can unwind and fix their physical and mental health. This can be achieved by being alone in or out of your home or being around friends and family (minus the kids).
In the absence of proper planning, this can be achieved when your children are in school or asleep in instances where there’s no one to watch them. Regardless of if you take hours away at a spa, spending the evening with your girlfriends, or sneaking in a one-hour Netflix binge feast when the kids are asleep, there are major advantages to having that “me” time and here they are.
Because you deserve it!
Motherhood is a full-time job and as with every full-time job, you get time off work. You work hard caring for your kids and ensuring your home is in order, you deserve some “me” time even without reason.
To discover yourself again
Parenthood has almost snatched you away from yourself, being alone can help you focus mentally and remember who you used to be or all the roles you used to play in the past aside from being a mom. Motherhood is not an elimination of your life before children but a combination of the old you + the new you to become the best you (Old you + New you = The best you). Having time alone helps you improve as a mother.
To allow your children to bond with your partner
If you do have a partner, plan this with him/her. In a majority of homes, the children spend the most time with the mother which means the children do not have that amount of time to spend with the other parent. Your ‘me’ time can serve as an opportunity to make your partner and the children bond. This will enhance the relationship between them.
To help you concentrate
Of course, you love your children and want to be around them as much as you can (or not – no judgment). Being a mom means being called upon and needed multiple times a day which can be a major distraction when working or trying to complete a task. Good concentration results in productivity and not being around your children for a given time allows you to have undivided attention to be able to fully concentrate. You can easily come up with new strategies to improve your career, business or solve some life problems which can be a little difficult when you have your children around.
To help lighten up your mood
Being constantly exhausted can make you very grumpy. Not being able to refresh or refuel yourself can trigger you to get angry at the littlest things. This can pass a wrong message to your children as they may think you are not welcoming. Spending time alone is not only good for you but for your children as well. Having “me” time makes you feel better about yourself and this positively affects your children.
To help eradicate any stress-related health conditions
This includes headaches, body aches and pains, diabetes, heart disease, anxiety, depression and so on. As previously mentioned, parenting can be extremely stressful, and prolonged exhaustion without adequate rest can result in these conditions. Spare time to have uninterrupted sleep, go for a massage, manicure or pedicure and do other things that you love.
To enhance your relationship with your children
Ever gone out for a couple of hours and come home? Your presence becomes golden and you can see how much you have been missed by your children, looking at their smiling faces and soaking in their warm hugs. This isn’t a primary reason for needing “me” time but it’s just so reassuring and heartwarming to see how much your presence means.
Your children become independent
If your kids have always depended on your presence day in and day out which has made it difficult for them to interact with others, spending some time alone and away from them can make them more independent. Being around a parent is healthy but not when they are unable to function without you. Kids get used to who or what they see around them constantly, your absence will make them concentrate on other things and have fun while at it.
Suggested ways you can have ‘me’ time
- Do yoga or go for a walk
- Read an interesting book or watch your favorite show.
- Go for a massage, pedicure, or manicure.
- Take a bubble bath.
- Try the food you’ve always wanted to eat.
- Go shopping.
- Listen to some music while you sip your favorite wine.
- Spend physical or virtual quality time with friends.
- Browse through your favorite social media apps or blogs
- Go on a vacation!
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