This is our very own love-note to newborns’ moms especially the first-timers who are new to the game. We at Pregnant and Perfect hope that you’ll pick up a thing or two as you begin the journey into motherhood. And if you’re a vet-mom, please endeavour to share this message with the newbies! (Wink!)
Hey new mom,
So, you’ve just begun a new phase of life, and you’re head over heels in love with your mini-me.
Yes, head over heels but the clumsiness of the post-delivery day has got you all up in your feelings. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed by everything unfolding before you. So much is going on at the same time: from the onrush of guests and wellwishers to the new (read: twisted) routines featuring haphazard sleep patterns due to endless nursing sessions.
It could be tasking; however, we see you and we know what it feels like.
Pray, do take a moment to think of how long you’ve anticipated this experience. Now that it’s finally here, don’t miss the opportunity to be enraptured by the great sense of affection you feel just looking at your child whilst s/he sleeps soundly even though you’ve not batted your eyelids in a day or two.
Witty (BUT TRUE) side note: Really, when your baby’s sleeping, don’t just spend all that time staring lovingly at them. Try to get some sleep yourself cos that’s the best time you actually get to rest. And, trust you know that you gotta take care of you first so you can take care of your little one, too. You’re welcome.
Now that you’re here – at this profound point, prepared to make the best of memories, ready to pour all your love and attention into this replica of you (or your significant other, lol) – here are a few things you need to keep in mind for the days ahead:
- Bleeding: For the first few weeks after delivery (for mom of course) – both vaginal and Cesarean section, the body will expel ‘lochia’ – excess blood and tissue from the uterus. While you shouldn’t be alarmed, you still want to keep a close watch for unusual smell or repeated clotting. The average time frame for lochia is 4 to 6 weeks and it is expected to thin out as time goes on in colour, quantity and frequency.

- Lanugo: Preterm babies (born before 37 weeks) are likely to sport soft hair on their skin. This hair, called ‘lanugo’, ideally falls off from babies’ bodies while in the womb around full-term: this explains why preterm babies still have it. Experts say that the fetus may swallow some lanugo while in the womb. But not to worry, they’ll pass it out in the first poop called ‘meconium’.

- Baby Blues: Covering a variety of symptoms – including mood swings, irritability, withdrawal, and tearfulness, baby blues (medically identified as Postpartum Depression) affects one in nine American women according to the CDC. Primary prevention involves educating women during the pregnancy period on what signs to look out for. Otherwise, let your healthcare providers be contacted on the best line of action. Also, a working support system can help to ease a significant bulk of the responsibilities including laundry and house-keeping.
- Crying: We have no better words for you on this matter, so we’ll just say this: Project Baby Bawling is locked and loaded. Prepare to Engage! Don’t laugh just yet because crying is about the only way babies can communicate their feelings, expectations and reservations. Hungry? Cry. Alone? Cry some more. Tired of sleeping all by yourself? Scream even louder till the neighbour wake up. Well, you can’t blame them. No one would take it lightly if a few-days-old baby were to announce its most pressing needs with excellent coherence.

- Bonding: This is one new part of your life that transcends the babyhood period of your child’s life. It is one that we all look forward to sustaining all our lives because it not only keeps both parties full of affection for each other but in the long run, it also points to a healthy parent-child relationship. Bonding which primarily works to improve the emotional attachment between parent and child also helps to facilitate the developmental rate of vital neurological and psychosocial features such as sustaining eye contact, smiling and coming to recognize and differentiate between you and your S.O.
We know that this is simply a tiny slice from the endless possibilities that could come when tending to another human. But, are we ever fully aware of all that life could spring upon us?
Here’s us telling you to enjoy the moments in their first days. And even as they grow, kiss your little one(s) more often, tuck them in bed more frequently, praise their efforts and bravery, and never forget the place of tough love when it’s needed.
Cheers to watching your best stories grow into masterpieces.
With love, light and everything bright,
Pregnant & Perfect.
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