Mom Diaries

Mom Diaries: Letter to my Former Pregnant Self

Dear me,

More specifically, dear my former pregnant self!

The one who’s crying on the bathroom floor. Laying in bed at 4pm because you couldn’t face the day. The one who’s wondering how you are going to face another day tomorrow. You’re going to be okay. In fact, you’re going to be more than just okay.

You’re gonna love that child more than anything in your universe, you just don’t know it yet. You will love her so much, you’ll want ten more. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me – you’ve got this.

No, mom you won’t crumble under the pressure of keeping her alive or fall into the depths of sleep deprivation. You will wake up, and with each morning, you will look at your little one with even more love than the day before. You won’t fail. and can’t fail, you’re a Mom and Mom’s are built for this. Plus, her Daddy, the one who’s wiping those tears away right now – yeah, he’s pretty amazing too. You’ve both got this.

You will find that overwhelming urge to protect her. Your body is built for childbirth and in turn, it is built for recovery. Soon, your bones won’t ache with every step and that belly, oh, that belly; it will be gone and you will miss that gorgeous, big, round thing so much more than you think. You will miss those little hiccups and the kicks in the ribs. 

You will go to bed at night with your hand rested gently on your stomach and you’ll miss feeling little kicks in return. Also see yourself in the mirror and wonder how your body changed so much. Oh, and don’t worry, things will go back to normal ‘down there’. 

Your belly might be a little softer, stretch marks will show, your abs might be a little disconnected down the middle and your boobs will be leaky, sometimes sore and heavy, but you won’t mind. Instead, you will look in the mirror and admire yourself. Admire what you’ve been through, what your body has achieved. You will hold your baby girl against your belly, where she once was, in the mirror and feel proud that you created this tiny, innocent life. 

So don’t worry, Mama, the things you feel right now will pass the moment you look into her eyes. Enjoy these moments while they last because you’ll miss them, even though you’re wishing it was over right now. Stare in the mirror at that belly for as long as you can. And if they don’t pass, you can find help – so ask for it.

Don’t feel guilty for sleeping too much right now, or for feeling sad. It’s okay.

It will all be okay. 


Sincerely, you. The new, in love with being a Mommy version of you.

Rebecca Jenkins
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  1. Beautiful written and wonderfully true. Holding my baby boy of 2 months old right now as he nuzzles away on my breast feeding and just admiring your words. So so true

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