Social Media for New Moms

You’ve just welcomed a beautiful baby into your family and your world has changed forever. If your baby is awake it’s likely you haven’t taken your eyes off her. If she is asleep you are either staring at her angelic face or looking back on photos of her that you’ve taken while she was awake.

It truly is a beautiful time.

So, let’s be honest. It’s likely you’ll be so immersed in this new world that you’ll forget about the outside world and its inhabitants for weeks (or months!)

Even though you’re stuck in your own little world you will want to make sure people are updated on your beautiful bundle of joy. Enter Facebook and Instagram…

Social media is undoubtedly a great way for people to access information and photos in an instant. But it’s also a way to lose friends or followers in an instant too!

If you’re worried about spamming people with baby updates it could be worth checking out these hints:

1. Make a dedicated Facebook photo album which you update weekly with pics of bub, instead of after every gorgeous / cute / funny photo you take

2. Create a Facebook friend list that includes family and friends that are interested in seeing and hearing all about bub. Simply select that list when you’re updating your status or adding photos

3. Save your bub rants for ‘Mummy’ pages that you’re a member of. You’ll get many more encouraging responses from these ladies than you’ll get from old uni friends or work colleagues anyway!

4. Make an Instagram page for bub. It means your family and friends can decide if they want to be inundated with baby photos

5. Be sure to add #babyspam and #sorrynotsorry hashtags!

Are you a baby spamming culprit? You can tell us, we don’t mind! In fact, we are sure to follow you if you are 🙂


Bec Quinn

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