Toddler Tantrums: 5 Tips For Handling Them

Toddler Tantrums: 5 Tips for Handling Them.

As a mom of two under three, I have dealt with my fair share of meltdowns and tantrums. It is pretty easy in those moments to lose your cool as a mom but losing it never helps solve the issue.  I have learned some effective strategies along the way that have really helped me with handling toddler tantrums.  Here are five tips to help you survive those toddler tantrums without yelling or losing your marbles.


Children need and want structure.  Having a schedule in place is one of the first steps in keeping toddlers calm and minimizing meltdowns.  The schedule can be loose but having set times of the day for meals, naps, and bedtime really provide a good foundation for toddlers breaking down from being overly tired or hungry.


Many times, toddlers have tantrums because they are bored.  Their little minds are moving a million miles a minute and they need constant stimulations.  Providing activities and different things to do each day to occupy their senses and keep them busy help them burn off all the energy.


This is important.  Sometimes handling a toddler meltdown simply comes down to knowing your child.  Is he or she just looking for more attention?  Are they tired, hungry, or thirsty?  Do they need more structure?  If you know your child’s personality and temperament, you will be better equipped at knowing how to calm them down in a meltdown quickly.


Toddlers can get frustrated when they are trying to communicate and feel like they aren’t being understood.  Get down to their level and ask lots of questions to try and get to the bottom of what’s frustrating them.


If after following all the above tips and your toddler’s tantrums have still not improved, you need to look deeper.  Sometimes things going on in the home, at school, or some other underlying issue is the cause of their constant meltdowns.  After all, toddler tantrums are nothing more than cries out for attention.

Whether you are at the terrible twos or tumultuous three’s, raising toddler is hard work!  Remember to take a step back and evaluate the situation before resorting to yelling or completely losing your cool.  Many times, it is something really simple troubling your tiny human that they just need help expressing.

Tasha Hinton
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