Top 10 Best Baby Strollers 2021

*Disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. This means we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you purchase any of these strollers with these links. Every stroller featured has been extensively researched and reviewed. We love them and this is why we’ve chosen to recommend them to you.

Bless whoever invented the stroller! The stroller is every parent’s savior when out and about with the little one(s). Can you even imagine for a split second how we would have survived without this brilliant invention? Yeah, me neither.

A stroller is a must-have when you start expanding your family and fortunately, there’s a variety of strollers to choose from – baby strollers with car seats, umbrella strollers for babies, strollers for toddlers. You name it! There’s something for every mama and baby and that in itself is a blessing.

Just like cars, strollers come in different models, sizes and have varied features for a good number of reasons. Some of these reasons include the weight of the child, flexibility (can it grow with your child?), and stroller style or configurations. 

Before we get into the anticipated list of the best baby strollers of 2021, let’s give you a run-through of the types of strollers out there.

  • Travel system stroller: This stroller comes with an infant car seat. After infancy, it becomes a single stroller for your child. You can’t go wrong with this 2-in-1 stroller. 
  • Side-by-side double stroller: This is a wide stroller that enables two children sit next to each other comfortably. This is super convenient for children of the same age. 
  • Jogging stroller: Where our fit moms at?! This one’s for you. This stroller has three wheels that enables fast movement. It also moves across different terrains easily. For mamas who travel often, there are jogging strollers travel system that would ensure that you stay in shape. You’ve got no excuses mama!
  • Convertible travel system stroller: If you google ‘luxury strollers for babies’, you would most likely be greeted with pictures and images of convertible travel system strollers. Just like the name depicts, it converts and when/if you have another baby, it would grow with the family. Other convertibles are convertible double strollers and convertible jogging strollers 
  • Umbrella stroller: This is for mamas who do not like the stress of having to lug a stroller around when your baby isn’t sitting in it. All you have to do fold it up like an umbrella and keep moving. Umbrella strollers are THE lightweight strollers for babies. 
  • Full-size stroller: This stroller is an all-in-one convertible stroller and has four wheels. It has a lot of space and accessories to fit your growing child. It can also be used from birth. 
  • Inline double stroller: This double stroller sits two children ‘stadium style’- one above and one beneath. This is convenient for the mama who has two children close in age.  

Now that you are familiar with the different types of strollers, let’s get into the crux of this article, our top ten best baby strollers of 2021! 

10. Babyzen YOYO2 Stroller

The Babyzen YOYO2 Stroller

This lightweight stroller weighs 14 pounds (6.6kg). It’s compact and durable. It’s perfect for air travel as it can be folded and fit into the overhead compartment of a plane. Its features include a built-in padded shoulder strap to sling it over your shoulder when it’s not in use and a basket that supports up to 11 pounds (5kg) of weight.

9. Summer 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

The Summer 3D Lite Convenience Stroller

This single stroller is ideal for travel and everyday use. It’s lightweight, affordable, and has a near-flat recline. It also has an enormous canopy with a peekaboo window, a five-point safety harness, and a large storage basket. It’s easy to fold and lives up to its name- Convenience!

8. Graco NibbleLite Stroller

The Graco NibbleLite Stroller

This is an umbrella stroller and as the name depicts, it is lightweight. It’s easy to carry around and has the features of full-size strollers. Some of its attractive features are a spacious storage basket, parent/child trays with cup holders attached, and its multi-position reclining seat. At the snap of a finger, it can be transformed from a single stroller to a travel system. All you have to is attach any Graco infant car seat and viola! your baby’s carriage is ready.

7. Doona Car Seat + Stroller

This stroller is one of a kind. It’s part car seat, part stroller, and part travel system. It is ideal for a family who’s always on the move because it goes from car seat to stroller in seconds! The downside to this stroller is that your child would most likely outgrow it in the first year. Regardless, it’s a great buy and would come in handy in that first year of life.

6. Nuna MIXX Stroller

The Nuna MIXX Stroller

This stroller comes with a built-in bassinet. Although the use of the bassinet ends after the newborn stage, the stroller itself is a great buy because of its noteworthy features. Some of these features are its all-season seat, two-compartment basket, and all-wheel suspension. It can also transform into a travel system once any Nuna Piper infant car seat is fitted with its ring adapter. This is one of the best baby stroller car seat combo as it has all the basic features of a good stroller.

5. UPPAbaby MINU Stroller

The UPPAbaby MINU Stroller

This single stroller is the ‘affordable’ version of the UPPAbaby Vista V2 (read on to find out more). It’s lightweight with a carry handle and shoulder strap, all-wheel suspension, multi-position recline, a very spacious seat, and an undercarriage basket. It’s great on rough terrains and for everyday errands.

4. Mockingbird Single-To-Double Stroller

This multi-function expandable stroller is a must-have. It has a generously sized basket, dual-frame, a wide wheel frame for stability, and car seat adapters for infants’ use. Once paired with Mockingbird’s 2nd seat kit, it becomes a double stroller. It’s suitable for babies from 6 months of age. This stroller is magic!

3. Bugaboo Fox 2

First off, we’d like to say that this stroller and every other stroller by Bugaboo are iconic! The Fox 2 is a travel system compatible stroller that includes a carrycot for infant use from birth until 9kg and a seat that can be used from 6 months until 5 years or until your child weighs 22kg. Its features include an advanced central joint suspension, all-terrain wheels to ensure the comfort of your little one, a reclining high seat to keep your baby close to you, comfy fabrics with soft paddings, and an easy one-hand push. It is definitely a great buy!

2. Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System

The Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System

This is one of the best travel system strollers on the market. The Bravo Trio is made up of the Chicco KeyFit 30 infant car seat and a detachable stroller with a parent tray, height-adjustable handle, and a large storage compartment. It also has a self-standing fold and canopies that meet (when the KeyFit 30 infant car seat is placed on the stroller) to create a perfect naptime shade.

1. UPPAbaby Vista V2

The UPPAbaby Vista V2

We know how convenient convertible car seats and strollers are so we saved the best for last – behold the Porsche of baby strollers! It’s a convertible travel system stroller and the true definition of LUXURY.

The Vista grows with your family and can accommodate up to three children. It’s suitable for use from birth to preschool age and has incredible features such as a removable bassinet, a full-size reversible toddler seat, a vented peekaboo window, adjustable handlebar, all-wheel suspension, an extendable canopy, a spacious under-seat basket, and lots more! Its durability is second to none. The Vista is not cheap but trust us when we say you’d get your money’s worth.

There you have it!

Please note that none of these strollers are jogging strollers and that’s very intentional. Be on the lookout for our list of best jogging strollers 2021. We are coming in hot on this one.

We hope you enjoyed reading through our recommendations. We know this will come in super useful so don’t forget to share this article with a mama that needs it. Toodles!

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