What No One Ever Tells You About Motherhood – Our Community Tells it All

Before becoming mothers and having the honor of raising the most adorable human you birthed yourself, we tend to ask women who are already mothers – our own mothers, friends and even strangers – a lot of questions regarding motherhood in hopes to get us prepared for the next “forever” years of our lives. Often times than not, this information good or bad may also come unsolicited.

In as much as we believe we may have gathered just enough information to turn into a manual for the motherhood journey, we are often hit with the startling reality and trailer load of surprises that (just unbelievably) no one told us about.

We asked our community to share their experiences with us and their first hand “what no one ever told me” shocker and some advice to help expecting and new moms navigate this journey just a little better.

They were all so true and we hope this comes in handy and prepares you for what would be the most life-changing experience of your life.

Gwen @gwendwyer4

Not many people ask how you’re doing after birth… they all want to know how the baby is, but quickly forget the emotional, physical and mental toll pregnancy and birth can take on a woman. Find you a person besides your partner to confide in to help!

Rebecca @rebecca.thermitus, Pregnant and Perfect community
Rebecca @rebecca.thermitus

That I would love my child so much that I would be extremely hard for me to separate from him ( daycare, family babysitting, etc)😫😫.

Hannah @hannahwineburg

Babies can start teething as early as 2-3 months without any teeth popping through until closer to 5-6 months. No one told us this!

Franky @frankkeyy

Your partner will probably not be as helpful as he said he would be 😭


You will sometimes get frustrated/cry in the first week home at the sole fact that your significant other can’t breastfeed and you have to get up every so often to do it. It’s the most beautiful experience, but being sleep deprived and them wanting to hopefully willingily help but can’t can be a pain. Not every mom can have a nice supply of extra milk bottles to have someone else feed baby while you nap, mine came in slowly and seemed like only for feeding time. It’s okay to get frustrated, in the end baby is worth everything and more.

Abi @shinyshoes

It’s perfectly normal to take time to bond with your baby and not feel an eternal undying love for them instantaneously when they’re born 🧡.

Kido @kidoashley

That it gets lonely at times.

Maame @1maameserwaa

You will grow and mature. They grow up so fast so take lots of pictures to keep lots of memories. You will be fine. You can do it. You are stronger than you think.

Patty @patty_jax, Pregnant and Perfect Community.
Patty @patty_jax

That no one knows what they are doing we are all just making it up as we go!

Kirsten @kirstencafane

Everything is a phase.
Everything you’re worried about right now won’t matter later on
Just go with it! ✨

Christina @themombehindtheyellowdoor

You have to mourn developmental stages!! Everyone always talks about “firsts” but no one ever talks about the last time.. the last time they breastfeed, the last time they sleep in the bassinet, the last time they were newborn size, etc. The ending of those stages could be emotional, but it’s okay because with the ending of one stage, comes another more beautiful ❤️.


Even the best husband will never, ever, EVER understand postpartum mood disorders, and girlfriends can save your life with their empathetic ears. Female relationships are crucial to doing motherhood well.

Margeaux @margeaux.woods

What recovery from a vaginal delivery is like. I ended up with a huge and painful hematoma, but for the longest time I just thought the pain and swelling was a normal part of recovery so I dealt with it until I couldn’t function.


That breastfeeding can be hard.

Blazie @blazie__muhammed

I wish someone told me that breastfeeding was hard. I wish someone told me that everything would be alright after having a baby. I wish someone told me about postpartum depression. I wish someone told me that it’s ok to ask help and not feel ashamed about it!!! But I have no regret of having my son because he is the most precious perfect person in my life

Shea @shea.mcq

No two journeys are the same. Find comfort in the stories others will share, but know that the path you find yourself on is OKAY!

Ilex @ilexanne

Newborn babies want to be held ALL. THE. TIME. It’s totally normal that your baby doesn’t want to be set down in the bassinet. Enjoy the snuggles!


No mother is perfect! Some self-care tips would have been nice, but I was very young with my first.

Rachel @rachel401k

Everyone kept telling us “it gets better” when he was a newborn when in fact sleeping gets somewhat better but then there are always, always new challenges around the corner. #whatsnext

Elizabeth @elizabethb_23, Pregnant and Perfect Community
Elizabeth @elizabethb_23

I had post-partum night sweats after my 3rd baby. Luckily they have subsided after 2 weeks, but that was a first for me.

Pavlinka @pajiinka

You will feel alone, you will cry, scream, cuss.. You will feel like you don’t know what you’re doing and that you’re not doing enough – and that’s exactly the sign that you’re doing your best♥️, Just breathe, hold the tiny one close to you and everything will be alright♥️.


You never trust anyone to take care of your kinds ❤️.


Poop is important, if it happens, if it doesn’t happen and how it looks. You’ll be so much into googling images of which colors of poop are normal.

Summerly @summerlyheather

The day your child is born a mother is born as well. Your life will never be the same in the greatest way possible. It will be a huge adjustment but the reward is so much greater 💕

Emma @emmahunt7579

That it has an impact (both positive & negative) on your relationship.


That you are not alone in the struggle.

As mothers, we need to understand that we weren’t given our children by mistake, they were destined to be ours for a reason. Even when we feel like we are not doing enough, we actually are doing the best we can and that’s all our babies need. A lot of moms may seem like they have it all together which causes you to doubt yourself but please know that we are all just winging it as it goes, no one among us actually knows it all and we have ALL made our fair share of mistakes. You got this!

Thanks to these amazing mommas for sharing.

Editorial Team
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