Reaching out to Katie was nothing short of a delight in sharing her story about her adopted kids. Having read her awe-inspiring story of adopting two children who turned out to be maternal siblings, it was easy to see that she not only has a heart for children, but she is also committed to growing in the path which she has chosen.
Although adoption remains contested when weighed against natural conception, these options still stand out as a beacon of hope for many people looking to have children. The story of Katie Page, an adoptive mom of three working out of Colorado may change the narrative for skeptics.
Welcome to the journey of Katie Page!
P&P: Let’s meet you. Who is Katie Page?
KP: I am a girl raised in the south who now calls the mountains of Colorado home. When I am not working on commercial construction projects, I am typically at home with my three kids and in the midst of some sort of DIY home project. I am a single adoptive mom to two siblings, Grayson (3yo) and Hannah (2yo), and a foster (soon to adopt) mom of their youngest brother who we call Jackson (1yo). We have two tiny dogs called Henry and Heidi. I am an endless dreamer, so I don’t rest often and always have the next adventure on my mind. I currently have an amazing guy who has been by my side for the last two years of this journey supporting me and helping me remember to slow down once in a while to enjoy this crazy ride.
P&P: It’s easy to see that you’re a multi-faceted individual, with several expressions – from being a mom to building to blogging and your passion for women-entrepreneurs, not to forget your extensive remodeling project for your home. How do you hold these many different capacities steadily?
KP: I am always into something and I don’t sit still well, haha! One day, I will find a job that lets me do it all in one and not feel so spread thin… at least that’s my dream. I love building things, especially when it comes to my home, so it’s my escape. I feel so much joy in making my home “my own” and welcoming others into it. Balancing all my passions has definitely become harder over the years with the addition of kids and more responsibility. I am not known for “patience”, so that is one virtue I am working hard to harness when the perfectionist in me (I am a definite Enneagram 1) takes over! I am doing “lots”, but I wouldn’t say I am even close to doing it all the way I wish I could… so I work on telling myself that it’s good enough each day. My kids are my top priority, so some days I just don’t respond to the piling up messages. Instead, I may choose to just dance in the midst of the kitchen with them, reminding myself that is what I will remember and want to be remembered for.

P&P: The past few years must have been quite the journey. Could you share with us what was the staying factor for you through the process?
KP: Yes, it’s been a journey I never could have planned. There have been some dark days and overwhelming fear that literally brought me to my knees begging God to help me. The day I held Grayson in my arms for the first time changed my life and he became my reason and my purpose.
Before that, I think I took the most pride in my work and other things, but that all changed when he came along. Instead of living to work, I began to work hard for him, to give him the best life I could. And that just continued with each child that entered my home. Never has it really been “easy” since then, but my life has never been more purposeful with all of my children in it. They are the reason I keep going and find strength in the darkness and the challenges.
P&P: Last year, in what was by no means a coincidence – and nothing short of a miracle, you made history. In that moment of discovery that Hannah and Grayson are biological siblings, how did you feel?
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KP: When I think back to the moment I found out that this miracle was really true, my heart just burst with relief and overwhelming joy. From the time Hannah was placed with me and I started to become suspicious to when I was actually able to confirm it pretty confidently was about a week. Every day, I was anxious and searching for answers. I met their mother for the first time that week, but, of course, I couldn’t share my suspicions. The emotions were overwhelming and had my stomach in knots! So, when I finally received the call from the caseworker telling me she thought I was right, the tears immediately came flushing out (despite being in the middle of my office at the time). I couldn’t hold it all in anymore. God had brought these two children together despite all the odds and called me to it which was far beyond my understanding or faith in Him. I remember thinking “What if I had said ‘No’?!” It would have been far easier to do so and all those around me had really thought I was crazy over the last week as I told them what I thought had just happened. My faith in God changed that day as well. It was a reminder to stop and listen… listen to your gut versus trying to live the life that others think you should. The perfectionist in me always wants to please others, but when I finally started to listen to my heart, He gave me a miracle bigger than anything I had ever prayed for.
P&P: Surely, this event must have brought with it some media attention. How have you been able to handle or maximize this?
KP: The media attention came like a bang. I wasn’t expecting it and it was quite overwhelming. It was an absolute honour to have our story shared and see it touch lives across the world. The messages still come in every day of people reading it over a year later. The messages are what keep me going and trying to keep sharing. At the same time, for every thousand sweet messages, comes unsolicited “advice” about my appearance or parenting, etc. In the beginning, those messages would stop me in my tracks and I wanted to shut down all my social media. I have been shocked to see what some people will write to someone they don’t even know. Over time, I have worked to “brush it off” and try not to let it affect me so much. They always still do get to me, but I have found comfort in just “deleting” and “blocking”. It’s not my favourite thing to do, but the messages about the families who started to do foster care because of us are far more important, so we continue to try to create a social media space that inspires and shares the good in our everyday life.
As for maximizing, we have been able to do some great collaborations and it has helped to bring in some small income which is always a plus. I would love to actually spend a lot more energy blogging and developing content in hopes to inspire more, maybe even write a book so my kids can read their story one day! But my day job which pays the bills and the nanny who helps me make the dream a reality takes precedence for now.
Related: I’m A Mom and I’m Also A Surrogate – The Journey
P&P: Any more plans to, perhaps, adopt more children in the future?
KP: I would definitely say it’s a possibility. In the short term, I am really focused on stabilizing the kids and feel fulfilled. That said, you just never know and I do not think my family is quite done yet. We still have our doors open to foster kids for short term placements or other special cases, and I hope that continues.
P&P: What profound life lesson would you share with other moms out there who, just like you, have seen that life doesn’t always go as planned?
KP: Each experience is intended and planned for us, even the darkest moments. I think we actually grow the most from the hardest ones. Being a mom is by far the hardest thing I have ever done and it’s revealed a new level of strength and purpose. If we let go of what we think we “should be” or what others might think we should be, we just might find something even better than our own plan. That’s obviously much easier said than done. I am a huge planner, but God gave me a miracle that made it undeniable that His plan was FAR better than mine!
Follow Katie and her beautiful family on Instagram @woodandgraceblog.
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I’d always wanted to adopt. This makes me want to even more. Thanks for sharing.
What a gorgeous family they are. ❤️
I’m speechless. ❤️
Now that right there, Is just beautiful. Those babies were meant to be hers. Can’t help but wonder about their mom though and what the story is behind that. All the same love her!
Wow!!!! This is such an inspiring story. She is so amazing. Was destined to be.